Of all the memories my most precious was shortly after Jonathan came home from his first round of chemtherapy. He was so sick he could not walk up the stairs (half flight) without looking like he would pass out. For me that was painful, but for the kiddos it was confusing. Why can't Daddy play with me anymore or even hold me? I can't begin to understand what they were thinking. Hey, I can barely understand what I was feeling most of the time! Anyway, back to my story... we were sitting down at the dinner table and Benjamin asks out of the blue, "What is Jesus doing right now?" The verse in the Bible that talks about Jesus interceeding for us on the right hand of the Father popped into my head so I told him that "Jesus is praying for us right now." He thought about it for a moment and then said "Mommy, does that mean Jesus is praying for Daddy's owie right now?" Of course, neither one of us could respond because we were fighting back the tears. When I regained some control, I told him that "Yes, Benjamin, I am sure Jesus is praying for your Daddy's owie right now."
Oh the sweet assurance that he carries with him is a lesson to me. Once we told him that Jesus was praying for us, Benjamin was satisfied. How often do I want proof to back up what I read. But, Lord I don't feel it, I don't see it, I don't understand it... He doesn't want anything more from me than simple childlike faith. Yep, He IS praying for me and He only wants the best for me and my family. What a comfort to know that we are safe in His loving hands.